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SST-3 | Studio Szene Talk | S&R | 2018-11-15 | 12:00 - 13:00
moderiert von Hans-Martin Buff
Controlling Phase and Damping in Audio Monitors
SST-3-1 | Beginn 12:00 | Dauer 60 min. | Roger Roschnik | S&R Studio Szene (Englisch)
It is generally recognized that the mission of an audio monitor is to transform an electrical signal into an acoustic signal as accurately as possible. Among the main disturbances inherent to any electroacoustic device and that need to be controlled, are phase distortion and harmonic distortion. This presentation will discuss the importance having a controlled phase response as well as optimal transducer damping for faithful audio transmission.
SST-4 | Studio Szene Talk | S&R | 2018-11-15 | 14:00 - 15:00
moderiert von Hans-Martin Buff
Microphone Modeling in the Real World
SST-4-1 | Beginn 14:00 | Dauer 60 min. | Julian David | S&R Studio Szene (Englisch)
Several manufacturers now offer modeling microphones, but understanding the distinctions between the different offerings and what they might mean for the real world application can be hard. This workshop provides a concise overview of the various available systems and how they compare. We will then have a close-up look at the Townsend Labs Sphere L22 mic modeling system and what it’s like working with this solution in the studio. A special focus will be on how to use this technology to achieve great results quickly, solve common recording problems, and developing new creative workflows that would be impossible with traditional microphones.
SST-5 | Studio Szene Talk | S&R | 2018-11-15 | 16:00 - 17:00
moderiert von Hans-Martin Buff
No Co So - No Compromise Sonics
SST-5-1 | Beginn 16:00 | Dauer 60 min. | Andrew Levine |
Attila Czirja'k | S&R Studio Szene (Englisch)
In this workshop we examine the components of the recording chain bridging music and the DAW: transducers, stands and shock mounts, microphone cables, microphone preamplifiers and analog-digital converters. How good is as good as it can get?
SST-6 | Studio Szene Talk | S&R | 2018-11-15 | 18:00 - 19:00
moderiert von Hans-Martin Buff
Die Zukunft digitaler Portale für Tonmenschen und ihre Relevanz für Engineers: Was hat Qualität mit den unterschiedlichen Formaten zu tun?
SST-6-1 | Beginn 18:00 | Dauer 60 min. | Stefan Heger | S&R Studio Szene (Deutsch)
Wir unterhalten uns über den Zustand der digitalen Master, deren Loudness und dem Produktionsverlauf zwischen Ingenieur und Künstler. Wie teilt man Erfahrungen mit Dynamik/Lautheit und Klang? Und was sind die Unterschiede der Plattformen die von allen akzeptiert werden? Erkenne, respektiere und suche nach Alternativen für einen Weg in den Markt.
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