Shrinking the mic - and keeping the specs: DPA d:screet CORE 6060
PROD-1-1 | Start 15:00 | Duration 30 min. | Eddy B. Brixen | Product Contribution (English)
Sound designers in the business of film, television and theatre are asking for smaller microphones. However, making a microphone smaller is not that easy and the resulting product cannot be expected to have the same specifications as the larger ones. Normally, the result is a higher level of self-noise and lower sensitivity. Further there are less space for the necessary electronics. The DPA d:screet CORE 6060 is a newly-designed subminiature microphone - just 3 mm (0.12 in) in size. It is a pressure microphone with a condenser capsule. Despite the fact that the diameter is only 60% of previous miniature models, the 6060 has kept the excellent specifications of the larger DPA mics. This presentation will describe and discuss some of the essential specs needed for a modern subminiature microphone - and how they are achieved.
Im professionellen Audiobereich, wie bei Live Performances, Corporate Events, im Theater- oder Broadcast Bereich spielt ein störungsfreier Ablauf eine unerlässliche Rolle. Um hierbei auf das richtige Funksystem zu setzen, werden in unserem Vortrag zunächst die Eigenschaften digitaler und analoger Systeme gegenübergestellt. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf dem entscheidenden Vorteil digitaler Systeme: der Betriebssicherheit. Anhand der Axient Digital AD und ADX Serie sowie des ULX-D Funksystems werden die Features, welcher zu einer höheren Betriebssicherheit beitragen, vorgestellt.
3D-Panning im Mischpultkanal und Parallelkompression bei Audio-Mischpulten von Stage Tec
PROD-2-1 | Start 13:00 | Duration 30 min. | Christian Fuchs | Product Contribution (German)
Christian Fuchs, Application Specialist bei Stage Tec, erläutert die Problematik der Darstellung und Bedienung der Z-Achse im 3D-Panning innerhalb des Mischpultkanals und wie dies in den Audio-Mischpulten von Stage Tec gelöst wird. Des weiteren stellt er die Parallelkompression von Instrumenten und Stimmen für Produktions- und Livebetrieb vor.
Unsere neue Recording-Software STAGECAST wurde speziell für Theater, Opernhäuser, Ballettschulen und Konzerthäuser entwickelt. Diese leicht zu bedienende Systemlösung dient der benutzerfreundlichen Aufnahme und Distribution von Videoaufzeichnungen. Hierbei gewährleisten wir neben vielen anderen Vorteilen hohe Datensicherheit, eine schnelle Bearbeitung von Clips sowie individuelle Userrechte.
PROD-5-1 | Start 14:30 | Duration 30 min. | Christoph Woehler |
Andre Bauer | Product Contribution (German)
Im Zusammenhang des KLING & FREITAG Projektes 'VIDA L/C in der Elbphilharmonie' soll inhaltlich der technische Umgang mit Beam Steering und die Vorteile gezielter Schallimmission erläutert werden.
- Technologie Beam Steering - KLING & FREITAG VIDA
- Beam Steering Hintergründe
- Welcher Weg ist der Richtige?
Projekt Elbphilharmonie - Idee und Fertigstellung
- Der Saal
- Konventionelle Beschallung - Line Array oder Punktschallquelle?
- Beam Steering
Ausblick in die Zukunft
Andre Bauer - KLING & FREITAG - Vertrieb Süddeutschland
Christoph Wöhler - KLING & FREITAG - Technische Leitung
noch nicht bestätigt (Projektbeteiligte)
Machine Learning: New tools and workflows for audio restoration, mixing and mastering
PROD-6-1 | Start 13:00 | Duration 60 min. | Jonathan Wyner | Product Contribution (English)
IZotope presents: machine learning and neural networks allow use to create new possibilities for achieving better results in restoration and signal processing by understanding complex relationships between audio signals. In this workshop we’ll look at a few examples of how this manifests in state of the art tools and products that are created for audio restoration, mixing and mastering and what might be possible in the future.
Immersive media such as 360 ° video and 3D audio technology pose new challenges for audio production. Head-mounted displays with head tracking and VR controllers with gesture control offer new possibilities for well-known tasks during a mix.
dearVR SPATIAL CONNECT allows mixing immersive 3D audio directly in VR, eliminating tiresome switching back and forth between the mixing and the playback environment. During the mixing process, the sound engineer wears VR glasses and uses the VR controllers to position audio sources, set their level and control solo/mute and automation modes. With dearVR SPATIAL CONNECT it is possible to control the digital audio workstation, including the 3D audio processing plug-in dearVR PRO.
The Spatial Audio Designer - Create immersive audio in you digital audio workstation.
PROD-8-1 | Start 14:30 | Duration 30 min. | Tom Ammermann | Product Contribution (English)
Today immersive / spatial / 3D audio is a new important topic you can see everywhere in audio and music production. But what formats are available, how to create and how to deliver? The Spatial Audio Designer (SAD) is a professional software plug-in for digital audio workstations (DAWs). The SAD offers various possibilities to create and export requested immersive audio formats like MPEG-H right in the individual workflows of sound and music producers. The session will give an overview of the SAD, it's workflows and production examples like Kraftwerk 3D, The 5th Element etc.
The MPEG-H TV Audio System offers new features for the consumer such as advanced user interactivity, immersive sound and optimized reproduction across different classes of playback devices. All of these features strongly depend on additional information. Describing metadata that contain all information e.g. position in space, loudness or user interactivity ranges need to be generated during the production process.
After introducing the fundamentals of the MPEG-H TV Audio System, this presentation outlines the requirements and challenges for an immersive and interactive content creation workflow, focusing broadcast productions for live and offline applications. It is demonstrated, how new tools can be integrated into well-established production workflows and how they ensure full control of produced mixes in anticipation of the end user's experience. Results of immersive and interactive audio broadcast production trials using MPEG-H Audio are presented by examples of an international music competition, as well as major tennis and athletics events.
What is the d&b Soundscape and how will it change the thinking behind soundreinforcement. An entertaining and educating presentation about why a soundscape system will improve the perception of sound. The journey goes from established reproduction methods to an example of a complex production realized in soundscape utilizing En-Scene and En-Space.