AT-1 | Array Technology in Sound Reinforcement | R3 | 2018-11-15 | 15:00 - 17:00
moderated by Dieter Michel
The following list of contributions (1 of 3 in total) to this event is incomplete due to filtering.
Mind the Gap: improved cancellation for cardioid subwoofer arrays
AT-1-1 | Start 15:00 | Duration 60 min. | Merlijn van Veen | Tutorial (English)
A presentation about the remarkable improvement in rear-cancellation for cardioid subwoofer arrays (CSA) by introducing modest "air"-gaps between adjacent enclosures.
Der Beitrag erläutert die Grundlagen des als Vinegar-Syndrom bekannten Schadensbildes analoger Ton- und Filmträger und bietet einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und der Auswirkung auf verschiedene Tonträger (Wachszylinder, Schallplatten, Tonbänder, Kinofilme). Neben dem Phänomen der Kettenspaltung des Celluloseacetats wird vor allem auch die Problematik des Abdampfens flüchtiger Komponenten, sog. Volatile Organic Compunds (VOCs), diskutiert, dessen Auswirkungen bisher unterschätzt worden sein dürften. Für die Archivwelt, aber auch für die Restaurierung von historischem Tonmaterial bedeutet das eine zunehmende Notwendigkeit der sachgerechten Lagerung aber vor allem einer solchen Digitalisierung, um die Aufnahmen von ihrem sich zersetzenden Träger auszulesen und nutzbar zu machen.
Die Problematik wird mit umfangreichem Beispielmaterial erläutert.
NA-2 | Networked Audio & Video | R3 | 2018-11-16 | 11:00 - 13:00
moderated by Marc Schettke
The following list of contributions (2 of 4 in total) to this event is incomplete due to filtering.
AES67 & ST2110 - Commonalities & Constraints
NA-2-2 | Start 11:30 | Duration 30 min. | Andreas Hildebrand | Tutorial (English)
The ST2110 standard defines the transport and synchronization of elementary video, audio and ancillary data essence streams in managed IP networks. AES67 uses the same mechanisms and protocols and thus is consequently referenced in ST2110 for the audio essence transport. This presentation dives into the fundamentals of both standards and eplains the commonalities & constraints between ST2110 & AES67. It also touches on inter-stream synchronization, particularly from the audio view point where sample-accurate alignment of signals is a common requirement. The concept of common system time and the differences between network clock, media clocks and stream clocks are explained. The final key element then is a common (time) reference plane.
MILAN - a new open network standard based on AVB for highest requirements in professional applications
Due to its superior technical capabilities AVB has over years captured attention by many professional manufacturers and users. Being an open IEEE technology standard that enhances Ethernet itself to become a deterministic and synchronized network system AVB has yet not had the required marketing support with regard to its applicability in professional applications. A layer of practical end-to-end interoperability that describes rules for its implementation has been missing so that it was hard to deploy AVB in a way that would facilitate a growing ecosystem of fully compatible products in the ProAV industry.
Leading audio manufacturers - especially Avid, Biamp, d&b audiotechnik, L-Acoustic and Meyer Sound – have since October 2016 closely collaborated and defined an application layer on top of AVB that enables the deployment of AVB in a wide scale of systems and products with guaranteed compatibility while fully enabling all benefits of AVB technology - MILAN. Beside all technical benefits a main motivation for this group of manufacturers was to develop an open standard that ensures a long term perspective for AV networking in a joint initiative together with the IT industry. The involved manufacturers have agreed on developing the topic of open standard AV networking in close long term collaboration and thereby avoiding competitive settings around network solutions. This is a benefit for customers, users and the entire AV industry. The presentation introduces MILAN in detail and leaves time for Q&A.
NA-3 | Networked Audio & Video | R3 | 2018-11-17 | 09:30 - 11:30
moderated by Marc Schettke
The following list of contributions (1 of 3 in total) to this event is incomplete due to filtering.
AES67 Practical - a Guide on how to setup AES67 Networks
NA-3-3 | Start 11:00 | Duration 30 min. | Andreas Hildebrand | Tutorial (English)
Since its publication in 2013, AES67 has received a wide support from virtually all AoIP device manufacturers. Although it outlines all compulsory protocols and mandates for a very narrow yet useful operating point with respect to PTP, QoS and payload formats, achieving smooth interoperability among AES67 devices from various manufactures still requires some deeper knowledge about underlying concepts as well as on specific constraints related to individual products or the AoIP family they belong to.
If you plan to deploy an AES67 network with devices adhering to different AoIP technologies, like RAVENNA, Dante or Livewire, this tutorial will provide some useful insight helping to avoid some common (and maybe uncommon) pitfall with respect to general network configuration, PTP deployment, multicast and QoS configuration. It will also briefly explain various methods of stream discovery and connection management.
BI-1 | Business Issues | R2 | 2018-11-17 | 13:30 - 14:30
moderated by Hans Schlosser
Mit Empathie und mentaler Kraft durch den (Berufs-)Alltag
In diesem Tutorial wird erläutert, wie Entspannung, Empathie und die mentale Kraft wesentliche Veränderungen in Ihnen, Ihrem Berufsalltag und Ihrer Umwelt erzeugen können. Es wird die Beziehung von Angst und emotionalen Verletzungen erläutert und auf die emotionalen Verletzungen im speziellen eingegangen. Zudem werden grundsätzliche Mechanismen zur Selbstreflektion aufgeführt.