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The Importance of 3D in Immersive Audio - Listening Session 2
3DL-1-1 | Beginn 09:00 | Dauer 60 min. | Lasse Nipkow | Workshop (Englisch)
3D audio in terms of a geometric point of view is much more than surround + height or moving audio objects in the 3D space.
It is the consistent extension of dimensions: from mono (point) and stereo (line) to surround (area) to 3D (volume). The
result is a breathtaking spatiality as well as a naturalness of the sound of instruments, as can not be realized in stereo.
Lasse Nipkow present his long-term findings and results with 3D audio in the workshop. This is a listening session. A series
of impressive 3D audio recordings will be presented.