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AA-1 | Audio in Asia: Leitfäden und Standards | R2 | 2018-11-16 | 16:30 - 18:30
moderiert von Andrew Levine
Recording a symphony orchestra in a semi-anechoic chamber
AA-1-1 | Beginn 16:30 | Dauer 30 min. | Andrew Levine | Vortrag (Englisch)
Dr. Zhang Yilong will introduce the process of recording an entire symphony orchestra in a large semi-anechoic chamber in China. The presentation includes the relevant background, the purpose of the endeavour, the process of the recording as well as a presentation of the results of related research.
Author: Dr. Zhang Yilong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Music Committee of CARE (China Association of Recording Engineers) and Master tutor from the Recording Department of the Communication University of China.
Welcome to the Chinese Audio World!
AA-1-2 | Beginn 17:00 | Dauer 90 min. | Andrew Levine |
Jackie Chen, Attila Czirja'k | TalkBack-Workshop (Englisch)
Together with a group of Chinese audio professionals we present and discuss the state of all things audio in China including education, studio construction, broadcasting and the recording business. Among the guests: Mr. Chen Chen, Deputy Director of the Audio Department of the Technical Production Center of CCTV and Secretary-General of the IFTT and CSMPTE and Dr. Zhang Yilong of CUC Beijing and Deputy Secretary-General of CARE.